Azure Kubernetes Service vs. Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

September 20, 2021

Azure Kubernetes Service vs. Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

Welcome to our comparison between Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). In this article, we'll break down the similarities, differences, and give you an unbiased overview of which one comes out on top.


Both services offer managed Kubernetes services, allowing you to run and manage containers without worrying about underlying infrastructure. You can also integrate both AKS and EKS with other services in their respective cloud providers' ecosystem, making it easy to set up and deploy an end-to-end cloud solution.


Pricing: One of the main differences between AKS and EKS is pricing. AKS has a simple pricing model that charges per node. EKS, on the other hand, charges for the control plane and EC2 instances separately. The pricing model for both services can vary based on the region and instance type, so make sure you check the pricing calculator for each service.

Ease of Use: AKS has an advantage in the ease of setup and configuration, as it integrates seamlessly with other services in the Azure ecosystem. EKS requires more setup and configuration when compared to AKS but offers more flexibility in terms of customization options.

Scalability: AKS has been reported to have faster scalability than EKS. This has been attributed to Azure's use of virtual machine scale sets, which enables scaling quickly and automatically. EKS has a slower scalability process because of its use of EC2 instances, which have longer startup times compared to scale sets.

Integrations: AKS integrates seamlessly with Azure DevOps, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Active Directory. EKS integrates with Amazon Web Services' other services, such as Amazon Elastic Load Balancer, Elastic Block Store, and Security Groups.

The Verdict

It's hard to choose a clear winner between AKS and EKS because both provide excellent services with their respective advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your specific business needs, one may be a better fit over the other.

At times, it is hard to differentiate between the two, much like how it is hard to differentiate between a twin's identical brother. If we have to pick one, we are slightly swayed towards AKS because of its broad integration with the Azure ecosystem, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use. That being said, the answer lies in your business use-case, and we hope our comparison has made it easier for you to make an informed decision.


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